Đi lạc hốc hác có được món đồ chơi đầu tiên của mình, biến đổi hoàn toàn cô ấy trong vài giây

Dọc theo một đoạn đường cao tốc trống rỗng gần Lancaster, Pennsylvania, một người Samaritan tốt bụng nhận thấy một trông thảm hại một mình. Cô không có tóc, hoàn toàn hốc hác và đang rất cần sự giúp đỡ. Nếu không có sự can thiệp của con người, cô chắc chắn sẽ chết. Đáng ngạc nhiên, ốm yếu đã nhảy vào xe của anh ta ngay lập tức. Nó gần giống như cô ấy biết anh ấy ở đó để cứu cô ấy (và cô ấy rất háo hức được cứu).

Người đàn ông sau đó đã đưa cô đến SPCA địa phương, người sau đó chuyển cô đến Char-Wills German Shepherd Rescue (thông qua The Dodo). Cô bé tội nghiệp mà họ đặt tên là Bella sẽ cần một ít TLC, nhưng cô ấy rất ngọt ngào và dịu dàng với tất cả những người cứu hộ của mình, có vẻ kỳ lạ khi cô ấy bị bỏ rơi. Tuy nhiên, cô ấy đã có một bất ngờ lớn trong đau đớn cho cuộc giải cứu GSD. Khi các nhân viên cứu hộ tặng cô một quả bóng tennis trong khi họ kiểm tra cô, mặc dù sức khỏe kém và tình trạng yếu, cô vẫn sáng lên. Cô ấy biến đổi trong vài giây!

It seems that Bella was overjoyed to have a toy of her very own (and hadn’t experienced a simple pleasure like it for years). Now that she was on the road to recovery, Bella would have plenty of opportunities to play with toys receive the love she had so obviously been lacking. Her past was unclear, but Bella was estimated to be about 7-years-old. She was also un-spayed, making her rescuers believe she was potentially used for breeding. Given her severe skin condition, it’s possible she was abandoned when she started to become ill.

After her initial check-ups, it didn’t take long for the rescue to find Bella a foster family. Karl Hindle was more than happy to oblige and knew his pack of dogs would welcome her. It would take some time for Bella to grow back her hair, but her sweet personality was already showing at her foster home.

She was about 20lbs underweight when she was originally rescued, but her foster dad made sure to give her plenty of healthy meals and treats to get her weight and strength back up.

She would have been ready for adoption after just a few months with the foster family, but after meeting Bella, they made an important decision: they were just going to adopt her! The sweet, playful pup had everyone head-over-heels in love with her. As she healed and grew back her fur, she showed her family just how beautiful and kind she could be as a dog.

This sweet dog, no matter what abuse or neglect she faced in the past, was completely trusting of humans. She didn’t hold a grudge against them for mistreating her in such a way. In fact, she was so loving of new friends and family, it seemed like she was making up for lost time!

Now, this sweet pup can spend the rest of her days lounging in bed, nibbling on treat-filled Kongs, and most importantly…playing with her own toys!. As you can see in the video below, Bella (now named Hayley) still has a passion for tennis balls — and is definitely going to enjoy playing with them for the rest of her days!